Monday, October 12, 2009

Where can I upload a server freely onto a server?

With this gamer%26#039;s voice talking software, Ventrilo, you have to manually advertise your IP address. To host a server you have to run a .exe file application. Where is a FREE web hosting server where I can upload this application to a homemade website and have it EXECUTED 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4.5 weeks a month, you get the point. A homemade website which at the same time is a server. Any Ideas?

Where can I upload a server freely onto a server?

Well very few (if any) hosting companies are going to allow you to run a .exe file of anysort. There is just way too high of risk factor for them to allow that on a server! I can%26#039;t even tell you of any hosting companies that would let you pay them to run an exe on any shared server. They might let you if you have a dedicated server but they wont give you one of those for free!

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